Leri Kinder Art – About Paintings
Leri’s paintings are for sale and prices vary accordingly.
She is always pleased to discuss her work and by arrangement anyone interested can view the paintings to see the work close up.
All paintings are professionally framed in appropriately neutral mouldings.
a) Landscape
Leri has a selection of watercolour landscapes; they usually include a feature perhaps a bridge or rocks on the seashore, stepping-stones or an old barn.
b) Still life
These paintings are divided into two further categories.
The first includes fruit, flowers and leaves, natural elements from the countryside, often as seen there, cascading from trees; growing in the hedgerows; gathering on a path.
The second category consists of close-ups of rocks, stones, pebbles, water or old buildings. Leri is always on the lookout for compositions, which might pass others by, often in some unlikely places: disused mills, derelict barns, even car parks have something to offer! She tries to capture what she sees, bringing out the colour and the texture which fascinates her. It is also a passion to record old but often deteriorating features; parts of old buildings; doors, windows and stiles whilst they are still there and certainly before they disappear altogether.

Beautiful work, totally in feeling with the subject and the setting. The subject choice, and the focussing closely in on the most fascinating ( and not always obvious) highlights is delightfully done.
The full brilliance and depth of the watercolour medium is on show in all the works.
Well done Leri.